Monday, 29 October 2012

So what?

So what?

When I used to write essays in high school, my mom (an English teacher) would often proofread them for me. She would mark them up the way she marked up her students essays and at the end of a sentence or paragraph, she would frequently write “So what?” This marking indicated that I was not being clear in the direction of my writing or that I had failed to extend the facts I had written into application of the ideas.

So, I'm hoping this post will be the “So what?” of my journey. Why have I decided to do the ride? What's the point of taking 9 weeks off to cycle from LA to NYC? So what?

I'm sure many of you are aware of the terrible poverty statistics in our world: a child dies every x seconds from poverty, blah blah blah million people live on less than a dollar a day etc etc. If you've never heard a statistic like that, then I encourage you do some of your own research of the state of the world and the extent of the economic or material poverty that exists. These are important numbers, but a few things have happened in the last few weeks that emphasize for me the extent of evil in the world.

The first thing is the loss of a teenager who used to be my neighbour. A teenager. The injustice of this fills me in a way I can't describe. My heart extends to his friends and family.

The second thing is the (false, I believe) imprisonment of a man who I met in Central America who, up until the time of his arrest, had been working tirelessly and with great risk to his own life to fight against the sexual exploitation of children in his cities' active human trafficking trade.

I'm on vacation right now (more on the feelings of guilt associated with taking a long vacation while trying to seek understanding about poverty in the world later, I'm sure). We just left New Zealand, so Lord of the Rings has been on my mind in these last few weeks. One passage that has stood out to me is in The Two Towers, when Theodan, the king of Rohan, faced with the loss of his city to the armies of Sarumon says in despair, “What can man do against such reckless hate?” (or evil, or injustice).

This is the question in my heart. What can we do against such evil as children dying every x seconds? What can we do against the blah blah blah million people living on less than a dollar a day? What can we do when a young person is killed? What can we do when someone working for justice and freedom for children is faced with injustice and imprisonment?

Aragorn's answer to Theodan is simple, “Ride out to (meet it)”.

So, this bike tour (and fundraising effort) is my tool to ride out and meet it. It is my imperfect offering (thank you James Orbinksi for this phrase). I know that it is inadequate, insufficient, probably reflects some deep colonial attitude of superiority in me, and, as with all poverty alleviating efforts, holds the potential for harm. But I MUST ride out an meet it. I MUST act. I can no longer sit quietly and say with my mouth and think with my head that this stuff bothers me but remain inactive. And I believe that through grace, my imperfect, inadequate, superiority-based, insufficient actions, will be made perfect, humility-based, and sufficient through the power of a perfect God.

Reading update: I'm currently reading “When Helping Hurts: How to alleviate poverty without hurting the poor and yourself” by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert.

Biking update: I did a lot of work on the bike before leaving for vacation, as I only have sporadic access to bikes here (mostly rentals and mountain bikes). My current total is 867km, and my goal is to complete 1000km by early December.

Fundraising update: I'm already at more than 10% of my goal for fundraising!!! Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far! If you are interested in contributing to this cause, or finding out more about it, you can go to

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